Edith Clarke – The Clarke Calculator



Edith Clarke was born on February 10, 1883, in a farming region near Ellicott City, United States. In her childhood life, it was a bit different from others; at the age of seven her father passed away while five years later her mom passed away. So then her uncle was become her guardian legally and sent her to a boarding school.

Educations and Jobs:

After finish high school at the age of 18, Clarke continues her study journey at the Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. In the college, math and astronomy was Clarke’s degree. In 1908 she finished her college and begin her life as a teacher in a private girls’ school in San Francisco and after that, she taught in Marshall College.

After a few years of teaching, Clarke decided to return back to school and continue another degree in civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin in 1911. At the end of the first year at Wisconsin university, Clarke finds a summer job as “Computer Assistant” art AT&T. During the job, Clarke got addicted to it and quit school to have a full-time work at AT&T.

While working at AT&T Clarke love learning and spent her free time to learn in colleges and university. Some of the degree that she took were radio at Hunter College and electrical engineering at Columbia University.

Seven years later, Edith Clarke changes her journey in continuing her study as a master degree in electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). After graduated in master degree from MIT, Clarke enrolled in a company calls General Electric (GE) as a role in computer. But in 1921, she left GE and went to be a physics professor in Constantinople Women’s College in Turkey; in 1922 she returned back to GE and work as an electrical engineer. After 26 years of working at GE Clarke shifted her career working as a teacher at the University of Texas.


One of Edith Clarke famous inventions calls, the Clarke Calculator. Historically electric power has a lot of limitation in transmitting to a long distance. Before the Clarke Calculation, the electrical transmission line can go few miles like 50 miles; in Clarke’s report stated, “accuracy is desired in calculations for long lines.” From the quote that stated in Clarke’s report meant that, after her calculator was found, the transmission line can go for long distance like 200 miles and a better accuracy. In 1921 while Clarke was working in the GE, she was found out a mathematical technique that calculates for a long distance transmission line; her mathematical technique is given power system and its behavior the technique is called symmetrical components. From that time on transmission line were getting longer and longer with more and more accurate.

After Edith Clarke had found the invention, she began to write a paperwork to the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) in 1926. Clarke was the first woman who submits the paperwork to AIEE and the first woman to be elected the as a fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE.

The First:

In the past, there were not much of women involving in STEM, but Clarke has a lot of interests in STEM and become one of those women who changed the perspective of women in STEM. Based on different websites, stated that Edith Clarke was the first women who graduated from MIT in 1918. The first women become an electrical engineer professor, the first woman to teach engineering in the University of Texas, and the first woman who were hired in electrical and engineering in the US when she returned back to GE. Throughout her amazing works that she had made and revolutionize the world, she received a Society of Women Engineers Achievement Award.


  1. https://www.ge.com/reports/edith-clarke-mother-of-invention/
  2. http://brainprick.com/edith-clarke-worlds-first-female-electrical-engineer-and-professor-at-the-university-of-texas/
  3. https://www.google.com/patents/US1552113
  4. http://www.edisontechcenter.org/Clarke.html
  5. http://womenyoushouldknow.net/10-things-you-should-know-about-edith-clarke-a-badass-pioneering-electrical-engineer/

Inspector Game

This is the second project that we did in our creative technology expertise. We learned to use a javascript package calls p5.js, which is a package where it allows us to design a lot of shapes and turns into an art canvas. Our facilitator, Waseem, taught us to use it. He challenged us to form a piece of art using p5.js over our Christmas break. Instead, I created a game where the user has to find a hidden dot in the grid.


I started the idea with dots and patterns. Then I began to add some interaction like moving those dots. So then it began to form this piece of game call inspector! Throughout the project, the hardest part for me was to set the position of the hidden dot; I spent about a whole day doing it. As always I like to show an example of the code, below is a function that calculates the number of seconds.

// Time Fuction for calculating the changing in second
var tStart = 0; 
function time(){ 
  var cur = second();
  if(cur - tStart != 0){ 
    subSec += 1; 
  } else {
    subSec += 0;
  tStart = cur;

This is how the game looks like, feel free to go to this link to play it: https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/494199 

Word of the Day: Manipulation


Every day in English literacy class, our first to do list is the word of the day. In order to become better in English, our facilitator is also improving our vocabulary skills. So one of the words is called manipulation that means, handle or control in a skillful manner; control or influence a person or situation in a clever exploitative manner. 

My example is: For my experience, if we get so interest in something people can easily manipulate on you, so you can their product or service.

Most of the day when I’m free I listen to this National Podcast Radio (NPR) of TEDx and one of the topics that interest me is manipulation. In the topic of manipulation, there is a podcast of Tristan Harris: Do Our Devices Control More Than We Think? This is a really cool podcast that talks about how big company like Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Snapchat uses us. It shocked me when Harris give us an example of Snapchat, this application is the number one way that teenagers in America communicate. Harris said, SnapChat also creates a system call Snapstreak where it shows the number of streaks that people communicate. So if a person got streaks they don’t want to lose that streak so every day they just post and post and it’s like dragging them in. This is a really amazing news for me!

Khmer Poem


Poem to me, is a subject of literacy where writers would express their feelings or want to educate something; in this poem, the structure is manipulated from the Khmer poem, the part that changed was the rhymes.

As a teenager, feelings change all the time and in some cases feelings change instantaneously, so quick that people can’t control it. I am one of them, and I understand that most of the time when I’m about to take a test, my mood would turned to be scared of getting the questions in the test wrong, and sometimes I would have a feeling of missing my family and the environment of my house. When I went to a pagoda near where I currently learn in Phnom Penh it made me think of the pagoda at my hometown. I really miss those times, those feeling and those events, whenever I think of them and this is why I decided to create this poem.










  អារម្មណ៍ងឿងឆ្ងល់នាំសំណួរ ។



  អារម្មណ៍ខ្លួនឯងតែងមានឈ្លួស ។





  អារម្មណ៍ក្នុងវត្តទើបនឹកស្រែ ។



  អារម្មណ៍ដូចទឹកមិនដឹងទឹស ។





អារម្មណ៍ដែលយូរគឺការចាំ ។




អារម្មណ៍ពេលហ្នឹងទប់មិនបាន ។




អារម្មណ៍ព្រលប់ត្រូវសម្រាក់ ។


Sport: Biking and Running at Siem Reap

The last two day we participated in a sports competition at the Siem Reap; this competition involved two types of sports Biking and Running. For biking, there are three options 17 Km, 37 Km, and 110 Km; I was doing the 37 Km bike race. Two days competition takes place at Angkor Thom temples, and there were a lot of participants. It was a really powerful experience for me to ride the bike and enjoy the beauty of Angkor Wat. The path was really challenging and some parts of the path aren’t challenging; there was a path that crosses the jungles and temples. In the end, it took me about 2 hours to finish it. 

Yesterday at the same station there also a half Marathon run but I’m actually doing the 10 Km run. It was a very busy race from my estimation there were about 10 thousand runners in total. There was a variety of runners, western, Asian, family, and people with disability. It took me about 3 minutes in order to get to the front row when we ran. The distance was a bit longer than where we practice (we spent about 2 or 3 months in training). After 5 Km for me, I was very tired while I ran this guy comes and motivate me and comforted me; I then take that motivation to motivate to this stranger runner who about to give up so I just run with me until the end of the run. I learned that if one start the other will start too. Throughout the whole run, I did run the whole time without stopping; my final time was about 50 minutes which bring me to the top 100. 

Theara bike in the forest.

Processing3 with Oled Live Typing

During my second round of the Arrowdot’s lesson, we went to a very advanced code using Process3 and a library call Control P5.  This is an example of how

we use the Processing 3 and Control P5 library. We have an Oled, Arduino MEGA, and a computer to program. So what the process does is it runs and get all of the value from the keyboards and print those to the screen on the oled. I found that it was medium easy to write the code, what the code did is to get all of the numbers and texts but not the special characters like Shift, Ctrl and more. So when the user clicks Ctrl, it would clear all of the text that the user type. I get really excited to do all of those things! 


import processing.serial.*;
import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 cp5;
Serial com;

void setup(){
 size(300, 100);
 com = new Serial(this, "COM17", 9600);
 cp5 = new ControlP5(this);

void draw(){

void keyTyped(){
 if((int) key != 8){

void keyPressed(){
 if((int) keyCode == 17){
 * https://github.com/SaoSuoVisal/processing3/blob/master/classExamples/lifeTypeOnOled/lifeTypeOnOled.pde

TEDxISPP: The Impact of Technology

I participated in an event calls TED TALK at an international school here, Phnom Penh; The whole title of the event calls TEDxISPP.  This event happens every year and for this year the theme is: Creating a Hopeful Future. The speakers need to relate to that theme, my topic is about the Impact of ICT in Cambodia. 

The reason that I decide to spend hours and hours of work to this is that I am one of those students who love technology, in order to get more people interest in this field I need to promote it to them. So this is part of my advertising technique to let people know more about ICT especially  Cambodian. I took this opportunity seriously, I spent about 2 months working on the talk, I wrote the scripts, creating slides, and remember those script (the hardest part of the process). One week before the event happens, I use most of the time that I had to remember my script, sometimes I didn’t go to some classes. That was challenging to talk in front of 100 people, it pressured me while the slide didn’t work. But I love it, I really do and hopefully next year I want to do it again. 

In the talk I included the history of technology,  microcontroller and microprocessors, then there were a lot of examples of how people in this country our technology. It really shocked me at a moment that in 2015, 95% of the population own a smart phone; that is a really large amount of people.

TosTov: Interview passengers at Takeo

One week before TEDxISPP, I went to Takeo province to do interviews with passengers for our TosTov team.  We spent the whole morning doing interviews with people at Takeo market and it went well for our small team. We divided into two main teams one is driver interview team and the other was the passenger interview team. I was on the team of passengers interview and we walked around the market to ask them some questions about how their traveling looks like. 

Our team was doing okay, we got really good responses and they answer every friendly with respects. For 1 hour and 30 minutes interview we got about 10 responses, but there is a guy who went into this confrontational mood that shocked us. I was the one who asks him the question but he didn’t understand our service and we started to have a small debate on our service. From that time on, I learn to be calm and respect others responses even though it right or wrong.

Theis is how much time that each passenger waits before the taxi start hitting the road.

Crytocurrentcy Talk

There wasn’t a lot of people there.

An hour ago I participated in a talk at TEKHUB about cryptocurrency and these two brothers were the speaker, they are Cambodian but actually move outside of the country by a refugee camp. So from this experience, I now understand the difference between cryptocurrency and digital currency. These two type of currency are both virtual but by coding perspective it is different, the cryptocurrency has multiple servers like Bitcoin has what we call a Bitcoin Mining where those miner’s computer acts as a server.  Where digital currency has only one server location and this can easily control by an authority. 

The younger brother

These two brothers have an idea of creating a cryptocurrency in Cambodia but in a way that improves people literature. They create a web where people can go and read then validate that post in order to get some cash. This system calls Serey and it just similar to steemit.com but just in a different region and language. About two days later they came to our school after they heard of the digital currency that we mad. From this talk, I really understand well in cryptocurrency and I hope they succeed with it.

Voluntary in Helping Improve people’s eyes


First of all, I believe that everyone should be really proud that you can see the beauty of our mother nature, it is really sorrow for people who blind that can’t those beauties and if those people who stay in front of us they should deserve a greater opportunity than you. Today I was a volunteer the whole morning from 7:00AM to 2:00PM to help an organization that calls the Khmer Eyes Sight Foundation to give free surgery on villager’s eyes. This took place in the district where Liger is and during that time there were a lot of people especially adults come to have eyes check. 

Our friends help to organize the whole event by registering people name, finding blood pressures and explain what going to happen since we speak the same language. Some of them were taken to the city to do the surgery right away and it for FREE. I feel really proud to help save people life because eyes are really important for people if we blind we can’t do things much in this country. Now we still have a connection with that foundation and we went to many places in the country to help do surgery in their eyes.