Chapter 8: Night of the Ninja

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Name: Visal

Date: 27/1/15

1. How do Jack and Annie use the advice from the ninja master? Does it work?

They try to be nature and follow the nature using advice from the ninja master. They use that advice to work for them and not to work for them. Example: Jack tries to be a rock and it works, but when he tries to be like a ninja that wants to walk across the stream it doesn’t work.

2. On page 50, what are the two problems that Jack and Annie have?

On page 50 the problem is they can’t see the tree house and they can’t cross the stream because the water is crushing and rushing. so they can’t walk across.

3. On page 51, it says “the current knocked him over.” What does that mean?

The current knocked him over means the wave and the big water knocked on Jack and made him nearly froze and nearly drowned.

4. Why do they decide to follow Peanut? Is it a good idea? Why or why not?

They decide to follow Peanut because the ninja master said follow nature. This idea is very good because some people that never have been to the forest don’t know what way that they can go, but the animal lives in the forest so they can show the way.

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