My Germany Researching

Germany flag
Germany map

Germany Description: Germany is the very good country. Germany is in Europe continent and they have 80,716,000 people which is 226 people per km^2 estimated in 2014 . The full name if Germany is Federal Republic of Germany. Germany have 16 states and the capital is city is Berlin. The total area is 357,168 km^2. Germany is the third biggest exporter and importer in the world. In 2015 the GDP(Gross Domestic Product) of Germany is $3.413 trillion which is $41,955 per capita. The country that near Germany is Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Netherlands. The currency of Germany is Euro and the official language is German. Germany is in United Nation(UN) and they drive on right side. Germany doesn’t have any queen or king, so it mean that they have precedent. ​​In September 1,1939 Germany started world war 2 followed by Adolf Hitler. And it ended in September 2,1945 because Germany followed by Adolf Hitler committed suicide.