ប្រវត្តិរបស់​កុមារី សៅ​ ដាលិន

ប្រវត្តិរបស់​កុមារី សៅ​ ដាលិន

កាលពី​ ១១ ឆ្នាំមុនត្រូវនឹងថ្ងៃទី២៩​ ខែកញ្ញា ឆ្នាំ​២០០៣មានទារកម្នាក់ ​បាន មក  ចាប់កំណើតនៅក្នុងគ្រួសារ ដែល​មានជីភាពមធ្យមមួយ។ កុមារនោះត្រូវបានបងប្អូន ឪពុកម្ដាយឲ្យ ឈ្មោះថាសៅ ដាលីន។ ​គាត់រស់នៅក្នុងភូម​ បន្ទាយ ឃុំ កណ្ដៀងស្រុក ស្វាយទៀប ខេត្ត ស្វាយរៀង។

​​​​​    កុមារីដាលីនមានរាងធំបន្ដិច ស្បែកគាត់ស ដៃជើងវែងៗ និងមាន​កំម្ពស់ប្រែល១.៥៥ មព្រមទាំងមានសក់​រនោងហើយវែងទៀត។ ការរស់នៅរបស់គាត់បានមានភាពលំបាកយ៉ាង ខ្លាំង​ដោយសារតែការ​ស្លាប់របស់គាត់ នៅពេលដែលកុមារីដាលីននៅតូច។ ពេលដែលគាត់ នៅកុមារីដាលីន មានអាយុ៣ឆ្នាំឪពុកម្ដាយគាត់ត្រូវចែកផ្លូវគ្នាដោយសារតែឪពុករបស់គាត់ មានអំពើហិង្សាទៅលើប្រពន្ធគាត់។ បន្ទាប់ពីការលីងលះគ្នា ម្ដាយរបស់ដាលីន​បាន ទៅឆ្ងាយពីដាលីន ទុកឲ្យដាលីននៅជាមួយយាយរបស់គាត់។ កុមារីដាលីននៅជាមួយ យាយរបស់គាត់អស់រយៈពេលជាង៣ឆ្នាំ។ ក្នុងរយៈពេលជាង៣ឆ្នាំនេះ យាយរបស់គាត់បាន ឲ្យ គាត់ចូលរៀនដូចក្មេងដទៃទៀតដែល។ នៅពេលដែលគាត់ចូលរៀននៅថ្នាក់ទី២ ម្ដាយរបស់គាត់ក៏បានយកគាត់ទៅទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ។ ការរស់នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ វាពិបាក ណាស់ធ្វើឲ្យដាលីនគាត់មិនបានចូល​រៀនអស់រយៈពេលជាង ២ឆ្នាំ ដោយ សារ តែកង្វៈ ទឹកប្រាក់ក្នុង គ្រួសារ។ ប៉ុន្តែ ថ្ងៃមួយម្ដាយរបស់ ដាលីនបានដឹង សាលាមួយ ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងខេត្ត កំពង់ឆ្នាំង ដោយរៀនមិនអស់ប្រាក់។ ម្ដារបស់ដាលីន បាននាំដាលីនទៅសិក្សានៅសាលា ហ៊ូលវ៉ាល។ ដាលីនគាត់ខិតខំរៀនសូត្រយ៉ាងខ្លាំង​ ធ្វើឲ្យ មិត្តទាំងអស់ចូលចិត្តលេងជាមួយគាត់ នឹងចូលចិត្តធ្វើកិច្ចការជាមួយគាត់។ ការខិតខំរៀន សូត្ររបស់ដាលីន ធ្វើឲ្យគាត់ជាប់អាហារូបករណ៏នៅសាលាអន្តរជាតិ Liger។ ការ​មក​រៀន​នៅ Liger ធ្វើឲ្យដាលីនគាត់មានឧកាស់យ៉ាងច្រើនដើម្បីដូចជា​ ជួយសង្គមឲ្យវិវត្តទៅមុខ និងសម្រេច​គោលបំណង់របស់គាត់។

កុមារីដាលីនគឺជាមិត្ត​របស់ខ្ញុំ។ គាត់មានគោលបំណងថា នៅថ្ងៃអនាគត់គាត់ចង់ខ្លាច ទៅជាគ្រូពេទ្យដ៏ល្បីរន្ធឺប្រចាំប្រទេ​សកម្ពុជា ហើយគាត់ចង់ខ្លាចទៅជា អ្នកជំនួនបើកហាង ដោយខ្លួនឯង ព្រមទាំងចង់ខ្លាចទៅជា អ្នកវិជ្ជាសាស្រ្តដែលដោះស្រាយបញ្ហានាថ្ងៃអនាគត់។ ខ្ញុំគិតថាមិត្តរបស់ខ្ញុំនិងខ្លាយទៅជា គ្រូពេទ្យ​ , អ្នកជំនួន​ និងអ្នកវិជ្ជាសាស្រ្ត។ខ្ញុំសូម ជូនពរ គាត់ឲ្យមានអាយុវែង រៀនអ្វីក៏ចេះ ប្រឡងក៏ជាប់ ហើយជាប់តែមនុស្សល្អនិងកុំឲ្យមាន ជំងឺអ្វីទាំងអស់ ​ព្រមទាំង​ជួបតែសេចក្តីសុខនិងសេចក្តីចម្រើន។

Future Jobs Description

Exploration Name: Future Jobs
Exploration Dates: January 20th – March 7th
Number of Students: 12
Essential Questions:
1. How will jobs that help Cambodia look different in the future?
2. What motivates people to choose the job they do?

Description: During the round four exploration we learned about Future Jobs. In Future Jobs we had to develop the presentation questions (ask more questions). We asked more questions because in our Exploration we had a lot of trips that taught us about the jobs in the real life. After that we learned about Nanotechnology, Water crisis and Alternative fuels. Nanotechnology is smaller than atoms. One thing we learned was that it is waterproof and can go underground without breaking. In Water crisis topic we learned that 70% of the Earth is seawater and 30% is land. But just 3% is good water. 884 million people don’t have good water and nearly 1,000,000,000 don’t have water. The last topic was Alternative fuel. We noticed that the gas can live 60 years, oil can live 60 years and coal can live 1000 years. Last we prepared for our job shadow on the next day. Job shadow means to go to the real place of work to do the job with the people that are in the job that helps Cambodia a lot. All of us went to different places with our partner. For example, some of us went to World Vision and some went to Northbridge International School.

future 1 future 2future 3


Food Systems Description

Exploration Name: Food system
Exploration Dates: March 10 – May 2
Number of Students: 15

A food system is the cyclical process of growing, transforming, packaging, transporting, cooking, eating, and recycling food. Sometimes we can skip some of these steps. For example if we eat a mango that grows from a tree at our house we are skipping packaging, transporting,cooking, and transforming. This is an example of a local food system. An example of a global food system is chips that have ingredients from different parts of the world and are packaged,transformed and transported all over the world. In our class we learned the difference between all three kinds of soil. They are sand, silt and clay. We started to grow the seeds. The seeds have grew, but we have not taken its to grow in our raised beds yet. In one day we have to give the water to the plants 3 – 4 times. We learned the six steps to grow the seeds, from laying the toilet paper to moving them in the tray. We have learned the part of the seeds. There are seed coat, embryo and cotyledons. We learned about the fruits and vegetables. We also learned about global and local food systems. Global is the food that is all around the world. Local is the food that is near. Ex: If we are Cambodian and buy the food in Cambodia that food is the local because it is near where we live. Ex: If we are Cambodian and buy the food from Malaysia that food is the global because it is far away from where we live. Also, we learn about the pros and the cons about local and global food systems. We took four trips to learn about Food Systems. The first trip we went on Organic farm. The owner shown us how to grow the seeds. In his farm there are ten different types of seeds: lettuce, fruit plants and herbs. Also, he told us that insects and the weeds destroy his farm. Weeds are the things that you don’t want. EX: In the farm have the grass that grows, the weeds is the grass because the farmer doesn’t want that to grow in their farm. New technology is that they cover the soil by the plastic because when we put the compost and the water will not go away. Compost is made out of the animals poo mixed with soil and rice husks. The second trip we went to Natural garden store. In that shop sell vegetables, snacks, wine and ingredients. The owner had taught us how to find where the food came from. The owner said that some of his fruits, vegetable and cookies are bought from France, America, Thailand, North America, Singapore, Germany and local. He has own farm in Kampong Speu and at Kampong Som. The third trip we went to University Agriculture. In there we learned about hydroponics. The guide told us that hydroponic is the new technology in Cambodia. Hydroponics means growing on the water. At there we saw lots of lettuce that grows on the water. The last trip we went to Rice Mill. We learned about the different rice in Cambodia. Also, we learned the difference between brown rice and white rice and how both of this rice is good for us.

[prezi id=”<https://prezi.com/avab9xlrkkjz/food-systems-trips/>”]

Food 1 Food 2Food 3